Lehrstuhl für Finnougristik



Language revitalization – preconditions and perspectives


Valts Ernštreits & Gunta Kļava (Livonian Institute, University of Latvia)

07.05.2024, 10:15-11:45
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 (Hauptgebäude), M 109

The University of Latvia Livonian Institute focuses on revitalising the
Livonian language as one of its study and work areas. In this talk, we
will focus on our experience collaborating with the community. We will
share our findings on the sociolinguistic and linguistic elements that
influence the role of language in self-identification and defining a
community. It includes who the actors are and what the channels and
actions are for language maintenance in the modern world, as expected by
language and culture carriers.

valts-ernstreits gunta-klava

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 3872 0682
Passcode: 284661
